
In this Refund Policy, the following definitions apply unless the context otherwise requires:

“Associates” means the directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents, and affiliates of a person(s), company or other entity;

“Bell’s Edge,” “our,” “us,” or “we” means Bell’s Edge Pty Ltd ACN 662 873 805;

“Material Change” in respect of the Services means a change by us to the Services causing you to receive something substantially different to what you subscribed initially or on the Rollover Date;

“Rollover Date” means the date upon which the Service renews under the terms of use we provide such service;

“Service” means the products and services supplied by Bell’s Edge for which you have paid a subscription fee;

“you,” “yourself,” “end-user,” or “subscriber” means an end-user or subscriber to a Service, including their Associates.

  1. ‘Change of mind’ policy

We will not provide a refund for your change of mind, finding a cheaper product or service somewhere else, or deciding you don’t like your purchase or have no use for it.

  1. Non-refund
    • We will also not provide a refund when:
      • The problem with the service was caused by you or the End-user misusing it,
      • You knew of or were made aware of the service limitations before you subscribed or continued to subscribe to it beyond the Rollover Date (however, you may be entitled to a replacement or refund for a different problem with the service that wasn’t disclosed to you before you paid subscription fees to us in respect of the Services);
      • The problem with the Service was caused by the actions of someone other than us or our Associates.
  1. Changes to the service
    • We will not provide a refund if we change the Service that is not a Material Change.
    • However, when we change the Service, we will endeavour to notify our customers of the upcoming change as soon as possible. Where it is a Material Change, we will:
      • Seek your consent to continue with the changed service and
      • Cancel the contracts of, and refund any pre-payments made by, those customers who do not consent to continue with the changed service.
  1. Liability limitation
    • Suppose we fail to comply with a consumer guarantee under the Australian Consumer Law relating to the supply of services that are not services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic, or household use or consumption. In that case, our and our Associates’ liability will be limited to:
    • the supplying of the services again, or
    • the payment of the cost of having the services resupplied.